short message box



Hi All ....How can I create a short message box as opposed to very wide? I
want the following message to be displayed in similar format.

This cassette has been rented by:
FirstName LastName
Please return before renting.

when i put msgbox comman the same appears as

This cassette has been rented by: FirstName LastName (xxx)-xxx-xxxxx Please
return before renting.

And I don't want it this way. Thanks for your help.


Try this

msgbox "This cassette has been rented by: " & chr(13) & _
"FirstName LastName " & chr(13) & _
"(xxx)-xxx-xxxxx " & chr(13) & _
"Please return before renting"

Gerald Stanley

Use the constant vbCrLf to produce the message in the format that you require

MsgBox FirstName & " " & LastName & vbCrLf & ... etc

Hope This Helps

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