Shortcut buttons for printing/scrolling on a worksheet



I'm transfering a file from Corel QuattroPro to Excel. The file contained
"shortcut" buttons on each page for printing a specified section or scrolling
down to another portion of the page. I'm wondering if there's a way to
create these buttons in Excel.



I don't have Quattro, however, buttons can be create on the spreadsheet in
Excel using either the Forms toolbar or the Controls toolbar (2003 or
earlier). There are button tools on both. You will probably need to write
code, I don't know if any code came across when you imported the files.

If VBA (code) is new I suspect you won't want to learn it just to do these
tasks. For moving around you might try inserting Hyperlinks. For printing
you might try recording the process.



Thank you for your post. It's good to know that there is a way to create
the buttons or use hyperlinks. I'm not that familiar with doing either. The
code transfered over with the file but I can't get it to work using either
the Controls of Format toolbars in my 2003 Excel. Any suggestions on where
to go from here (it's for another company and they're quite dependant on the



It's easy to add buttons to the file but I don't know if the code that was
ported in will be any good in Excel.

To add the button:
1. Right-click any toolbar and choose Forms
2. On the Forms toolbar click the Button button.
3. Click or drag in the spreadsheet to create the button.
4. When you release the mouse Excel opens a Assign Macro dialog box.
If the macros ported to Excel as VBA you will see the macro names listed.d
5. Click the one you want to assign to the button and then click OK.
6. Click off the button. Now it is ready to run.

But like I said this is all dependent on whether Excel is aware of the code.
Unfortunately I suspect you may have a problem getting Excel to run the
code, but I am not versed in Quattro coding.

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