Shortcut key combination changes email orientation to Right-to-Lef



I'm using OL2003 with the built-in editor (not Word). I have multi-language
options installed on my machine which include the left-to-right and
right-to-left settings. (I'm not talking about justification
left/center/right, but the right-to-left orientation for languages like
Arabic and Hebrew).

When I'm using the editor, there's some key combination that I'm hitting
while typing which switches the current email into Right-to-Left mode. I
can't find the keyboard shortcut that's doing this, nor the one to switch it
back. Once it's like this it seems to stick.

I can correct the layout for selected paragraphs using the toolbar, but I
can't get the whole email back to its default (left-to-right). And when I
reply to the same conversation, I'm still stuck in right-to-left.

Does anyone know how to control this while editing emails? I've had no luck
finding docs on this particular feature.


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