Shortcut Key for Outline>Expand All (Alt+Shift+=) does not work


Jose Robins

Shortcut Key for Outline>Expand All (Alt+Shift+=) does not seem to work for me.
I use OneNote SP1 on Win XP Professional.
Does this work for anyone else?
Any ideas?


Erik Sojka

It doesn't seem to work for me either, although I'm not sure what it's
supposed to do. The online help (Help | Keyboard Shortcuts) says that
ALT-SHIFT-= is supposed to "Show body text for the selected heading".

Did you mean ALT-SHIFT-0 perhaps (Expand All levels)?

(e-mail address removed) (Jose Robins) wrote in


I'm not sure what it's supposed to do. The online help
(Help | Keyboard Shortcuts) says that ALT-SHIFT- is
supposed to "Show body text for the selected heading".

I'm not sure what your unsure of. What about body text and showing or hiding it? Maybe you don't think there's a purpose for that feature? Or what

I ask because the OneNote program manager--I can never recall names--asked about the rationale for hoist, a similar question in various ways

Erik Sojka

I'm not sure what you're not sure that I'm unsure of. Whoa, that hurt my
head <g>

I simply meant that it wasn't clear what "Show body text for the selected
heading" referred to, especially since there's another KB shortcut that
seemed to do what you asked for, and since the one you mentioned didn't
work ;)

Your clarification of the feature helps. I still get nothing when I do
ALT-SHIFT-HYPHEN and ALT-SHIFT-= which according to the help are inverse

Jose Robins

Thanks Erik, Yeah Alt+Shift+0 does what I really wanted to do. I
guess, I mainly wanted that functionality, but I somehow got hung up
on the "body text" shortcut. I wonder what the heck that is supposed
to do? Wonder if it's a leftover from some Word Documentation?

Anyway, cheers!



I'm not the person who asked the question, but I think I have an answer to yours about show body text. It means exactly the same thing as in Word--there is a body text command, on the outlining toolbar represented by the two arrows. In Word body text is a style; in OneNote it's a level of indentation midway between a level and the next

----- Erik Sojka wrote: ----

I'm not sure what you're not sure that I'm unsure of. Whoa, that hurt my
head <g

I simply meant that it wasn't clear what "Show body text for the selected
heading" referred to, especially since there's another KB shortcut that
seemed to do what you asked for, and since the one you mentioned didn't
work ;

Your clarification of the feature helps. I still get nothing when I do
ALT-SHIFT-HYPHEN and ALT-SHIFT-= which according to the help are inverse

Erik Sojka

Whoops. You're right. The news client I use at home
doesn't read the poster's information correctly unless a
name and email address are explicitly entered.

Sorry about that.

-----Original Message-----

I'm not the person who asked the question, but I think I
have an answer to yours about show body text. It means
exactly the same thing as in Word--there is a body text
command, on the outlining toolbar represented by the two
arrows. In Word body text is a style; in OneNote it's a
level of indentation midway between a level and the next.

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