Shortcut(s) that would immediately take you to a page/folder/sec



It would be great to have at least one "Hot Key" keyboard short cut that you
could configure to flag a page, folder or section with a "special flag"; and
you'd immediately go there with that combination.

I have one page in my personal section that I keep all my random thoughts,
ideas, projects, what-ifs and such on. I'd love to be able to be working on
something else and be able to switch to OneNote, tap the key combination,
type my thoughts and go back to what I was doing with the knowledge that my
creative thinking wasn't lost or forgotten; but is captured in a "safe" place
for later use.

I like OneNote better than NotePad, and I've kinda been using NotePad for
stuff like this, but then you end up with .txt files all over your desk.

Heh, sorry, but I'm a little ADD and this would help my therapy ;)

Erik Sojka \(MVP\)

I do something like this; I have a single section with a single page. I
have a shortcut to that section file in my Quick Launch bar. When
activated, it opens up to that page. when I"m finished, I either Alt-F4
that copy of OneNote or click on the Back button to return me to where I was

You can also use the Side Notes section (globally accessible from anywhere
in Windows via Win-N). If you don't use it for other "quick drop this here
and process it later" purposes, it fits your need pretty well.


Erik Sojka (MVP) said:
I do something like this; I have a single section with a single page. I
have a shortcut to that section file in my Quick Launch bar.
You can also use the Side Notes section (globally accessible from anywhere
in Windows via Win-N). If you don't use it for other "quick drop this here
and process it later" purposes, it fits your need pretty well.
--^Message Trimmed^--

Good thinkin'!. What I did with your idea was, instead of putting a shortcut
to the page on the Quick Launch bar, I dropped a short cut directly into My
Documents. And then give it the shortcut key combo of ctrl-alt-b (B for
Basket :) and now I have my solution for this version of OneNote.

The reason why I didn't go with the QuickLaunch Bar was because I don't seem
to ever be able to get the shortcut key feature of Windows to work with items
on the QuickLaunch Bar.

Also, on the way home from work I was thinking about the Open New Side Note
feature, but I was only thinking about it from the tray. I usually remove
extra stuff from the tray, so I was going to have to re-enable it...but you
turned me onto the Global shortcut, so I don't have to do that now.



Erik Sojka (MVP)

I'd just to clarify - the global shortcut of Win-N requires the
OneNoteM.exe program to be in the Notification Area.

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