Shortcuts on desktop changed to Lnk file



Help, whenever I try to makea shortcut to desk top of anything it ends up a
LNK file, all all shortcuts in Startup menu are LNK files, even if a program
wants to put a shortcut on desktop it ends up a lnk file also on startup
excel will open up a lnk file


ok for example I had a shortcut on the desktop to a program I use, that
programs' Icon is gone and replaced by and excel lnk file when you click on
it it takes you to a excel page with what looks like ascii letters and
numbers it does not go to the progam the same with the shortcuts in the start
menu and programs


When you right click on the icon, click on "properties" and look at the
"shortcut" tab, you should see in "target" the name and path of the program
which is opened.

Steve Yandl

This is most likely an error in your Windows registry, specifically in the
Shortcuts do in fact have an LNK extension but registry settings for that
file type are supposed to keep Windows Explorer from letting the extension
appear to the user, even if the user has Explorer set to show extensions of
known file types. This is an issue with Windows, not Excel.

What version of Windows are you using?

Are you familiar with using regedit.exe to make registry edits?

Steve Yandl


Thanks Steve , Vista home pre, office 2007 and no knew better they to touch
that so how do I fix it lol

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