Shortcuts to WebDAV files in OneNote 2007



It seems that in OneNote 2003, you could use "save as.." and then save a
onenote section on a webdav server and the tab would be replaced with a
shortcut to that now remotely hosted section. In 2007, I can't seem to make
this happen no matter how I try.

Can someone walk me through the procedure of getting a webdav hosted .one
section to be part of one of my local notebooks? That way I won't have to
manually open the file every time I want to use it, the shortcut will just be
there upon opening OneNote.

Daniel Escapa [MS]

Two ways:
1) Have your notebook hosted on a webdav server and then just open that
notebook directly from OneNote
2) Put your section somewhere on a webdav server and then put a shortcut
pointing to your section into one of your existing OneNote notebooks. The
shortcut will appear as a tab in OneNote and when you click on it it will
load the content on the webdav server.

If these don't work please let us know. There are many webdav servers out
there and they have many difference configurations so we want as much
testing as possible. Please submit a bug on Connect:


1) Doesn't seem to work on my webdav server, it tries to sync the notebook
but only ever creates a folder and never makes any files.

2) This is exactly what I was asking for help with. How do you insert a
shortcut into a notebook? What are the commands?

Daniel Escapa [MS]

1) If you want to submit a bug please let us know:
We need to know as much as your WebDav server as possible. They could be
configured in such a way that this might not work as well.

2) Put your file somewhere let's say \\server\folder\
Now right-click on the file as it appears in Explorer, and choose "Create
Shortcut". Now moved that shortcut into one of your notebooks. By default
they are stored in My Documents\OneNote Notebooks. Just look for the right
notebook and then put the shortcut in there. The next time you open OneNote
you will see a link pointing back to that file.

Make sense?

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