Shortcuts. Wish list items?



Since DOS, I've been organizing things as I guess most
people do--in folders. I put all .msg, .doc, .xls, .mht,
etc. for a project in a folder, so I can look there for
all information about the project. I'd like to do the
same for .one files.

I tried this: I created a new ON section, closed ON,
went to my documents\my notebook, and dragged the section
to the desktop. I can then drag|copy the section to any
project folder, and double click on it to open the
section in ON. In that way, when I go to the folder I
can see that I have some notes about it, and open that
file--oops, section--in ON. This works OK in some ways,
but what you get in ON is a section tab that's really a
shortcut to the ON file. When I synch my notebook on the
desktop with the one on my laptop, those shortcuts don't
point anywhere. I'd really prefer to use ON as it
appears to have been designed--with everything in ...\my

So I now I create the new section while in ON, then go
to ...\my notebook and drag|create_shortcut the section
to the project folder. When I'm in the folder, I can see
by the shortcut that I have notes about the project, and
double click the shortcut to open the notes. I like this
better, because the notes are in ...\my notebook, and I
can make the shortcut in the project folder point to
either a section or a folder of notes about the project.

What I don't like about this method is (1) it's a
nuisance to create the shortcut--I'd like to have a
slicker way--and (2) more importantly, if I reorganize my
notes, perhaps by moving the section (by dragging and
dropping in the next version I hope, I hope) to a
different folder, the shortcut no longer works. I'd like
the shortcut updated as I move stuff around in ON. (I
guess shortcuts are a Windows thing, not a ON thing, so
maybe it can't be done as a change to ON. But it's what
I'd like.)

Speaking of shortcuts, I can drag a .mht file onto a page
in ON. ON will put the .mht in the folder that contains
the page, and put a shortcut to it in page. This is
slick because I have the page of notes with the .mht even
if I'm not connected to the internet. It works fine,
that is, until you reorganize your notes, and move the
page to a different folder. I'd like not to have that
problem, either.

If anybody knows a better way to do what I'm trying to
do, I'd sure appreciate hearing about it. Otherwise,
maybe these things could be added to the wish list, and
that more knowledgable minds than mine can think about
better ways to keep notebook contents organized.



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