Shortening all working days


Peter Rooney

Good morning, all!

We've finally accepted that people don't actually work 7.5 hours a day on
projects! However, this leaves me with a plan that needs peoples' working
days reducing to 5.5 hours, which should extend the end dates of their

So, what I want to do is, for each calendar, (each team member has their own
named calendar, not simply the one that is created automatically for them)
change the length of the working day to 5.5 hours by making the end of the
day (shown as nonstandard working hours) 2 hours earlier.

How can I do this easily, (VBA would seem to be the answer) since if I
highlight MTWTF headers and change the end of the working day, this will
change all days marked as holidays, to the new hours too, adding days back in
that were previously marked as nonworking.

Thanks in advance


Peter Rooney

Hmmm... I think I answered my own question - doing a blanket change in the
way I described doesn't seem to alter the days marked as nonworking - they
stay as nonworking. So, I don't have a problem. Sorry to anyone who took time
out to look at this.



Earl Lewis


How about just changing all resource availability %'s to a value that matches your 5.5 hours per day, specifically, 68.75% for an 8 hour work day?

Hmmm... I think I answered my own question - doing a blanket change in the
way I described doesn't seem to alter the days marked as nonworking - they
stay as nonworking. So, I don't have a problem. Sorry to anyone who took time
out to look at this.



Jan De Messemaeker

Hi Peter,

I only tested it on P2000 but I'm afraid this is impossible to explain.
Project should NEVER change Actual Work but here it does.
I don't like calling a "feature" a "bug" but this definitely looks like one.
At least the logic behind it is more than fuzzy.

Peter Rooney


Thanks for taking a look!

The whole thing is puzzling - all I want to do is see what the knock on
effect of shortening the working day from 7.5 hours to 5.5 hours will be.
However, I'm not sure if I should do this via Tools Options Calendar, or by
shortening the working day on specific resources' calendars - or both, and if
so, in what order?

I think I'll put a general post on this matter up to see what the concensus
is, so if you see the post, you'll know that it won't be as wordy as this one!

Thanks again!


Peter Rooney


Thanks for taking a look!

The whole thing is puzzling - all I want to do is see what the knock on
effect of shortening the working day from 7.5 hours to 5.5 hours will be.
However, I'm not sure if I should do this via Tools Options Calendar, or by
shortening the working day on specific resources' calendars - or both, and if
so, in what order?

I think I'll put a general post on this matter up to see what the concensus
is, so if you see the post, you'll know that it won't be as wordy as this one!

Thanks again!


Jason Leung

Change all the resource to work 5.5 hours per day calendar. If you use Fixed
duration for your task, assigning these resources to the task will create 5.5
hours of resource allocation per day. This way, you will get a real time
project duration and create proper resource demand.

Peter Rooney


Thanks for this. the combined efforts of so many wise folk out there is
finally helping me to get my head around this issue.

Have a nice weekend


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