Word uses the fonts installed on your computer, both in your user account's
font folder as well as in the Font folder in your hard disk's Library. The
only way you can shorten that list is by disabling or deleting fonts (you
might want to use Font Book for that). Note that Office and also Mac OS X
need a couple of fonts to work correctly. I'm not sure which ones the
operating system needs, but here are the ones required by Office 2004:
Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro W3
Lucida Grande
MS PMincho
MS Gothic
MS Mincho
MS Pgothic
MT Extra
Times New Roman
For more information, check out this website:
is there any way to drastically shorten the fonts that are listed in
my Word (from latest version of Office 2004). Or better put: is there
a way to get Word to not read all of my fonts on my Mac? I'd like it
to only list and use about a dozen. Any special way to do this?
Michel Bintener
Microsoft MVP
Office:Mac (Entourage & Word)
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