should be able to mark complete in inbox outlook.



In Office 2007 Beta, when in the inbox and you have the calendar and task
pane display, you should be able to check the "complete" box next to the
task. It origonally only has the "category" box. When you add the "complete"
box, i want to be able to check it off instead of right clicking and
slecting, "mark as complete".

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its wierd... when i hover my mouse over the category square, it highlights it
in light yellow or orange. (whatever the color is) but when i hover over the
complete square... there is nothing. it doesnt highlight at all.

Diane Poremsky [MVP]

just try clicking in it - it should work.

Zaspod said:
its wierd... when i hover my mouse over the category square, it highlights
in light yellow or orange. (whatever the color is) but when i hover over
complete square... there is nothing. it doesnt highlight at all.

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