Should be an easy one for you Gurus...


Jennifer Carr

I'm making a Sales quotation sheet:
In it I have a database of customer addresses in columns like this:
Column A Column B Column C...
Company Address City State Zip So on...

I want to be able to select a company in one cell (I've already created a
list in Data Validation) and have the address, city, state, etc come up
below like this:

Company Name (select this cell)
City, St Zip

So in sum:
Select one cell, the cells below fill in automatically the address info
from the database columns.
Make sense?
Thanks everyone!!!

Dave Peterson

If the company names are unique, it looks like you could use =vlookup() to
return those other values:

and so forth.

and maybe:
=if(a1="","",vlookup(a1,sheet2!A:G,3,false) & ", "
& vlookup(a1,sheet2!A:G,4,false) & " "
& vlookup(a1,sheet2!A:G,5,false))

(remember to change the lookup range (I used A:G) to match your needs.)

Visit Debra Dalgleish's site:
for nice instructions.

Jennifer Carr

Thanks! That did it!

If the company names are unique, it looks like you could use =vlookup() to
return those other values:

and so forth.

and maybe:
=if(a1="","",vlookup(a1,sheet2!A:G,3,false) & ", "
& vlookup(a1,sheet2!A:G,4,false) & " "
& vlookup(a1,sheet2!A:G,5,false))

(remember to change the lookup range (I used A:G) to match your needs.)

Visit Debra Dalgleish's site:
for nice instructions.

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