Should be simple msgbox?


Tony C

For each condition, use the Syntax
If Me.UMID = 1 Then Goto Err_PartNumber_Click

Rather than using "ElseIf".

Remove the "Resume" Statement, it is not needed here.

To split text for a message box over multiple lines, try
the syntax

MsgBox("This is line 01." & chr(13) & "This is line 02.")


Tony C.


Thank you all for the responses. I did change the code to use th
select case statement and it makes is so much cleaner. I am stil
getting a second message box for some reason, if I figure it out I wil
let you know. Thanks again

Steve Schapel


As regards the doubling up of the messagbox, I suggest you try a
different event other than DblClick. DblClick of a textbox is never a
good idea. Maybe the Enter event, or Exit, or... even Click, whatever,
experiment. I am still not clear what this control is and how it and
its data relates to the other stuff to be able to give precise advice
right now.

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