Should have started Report 2003



Hi, I am trying to produce a report that will tell me which tasks have not
started that should have, and how many days late they are (in other words,
how many days behind schedule is the project).

The Should have started Report picks out the correct tasks (those that
should have started) but doesn't tell me how many days late they are.

I've tried lots of different tables in this report using entry, variance,
work, % complete but none give me the number of days (I expected it to be

I can work it out myself (at the moment as I only have 2 tasks which have
slipped) but surely that's what this report should be giving me?

I'd really appreciate some help. Thanks

Gérard Ducouret

You can create a custom field which will calculate that:
Insert a Number(x) field
Right Click the name of the field, select Customize Fields...,
Rename the field as you want
Click the formula button
Paste this formula :
IIf([Start]<[Current Date] And [% Complete]=0,ProjDateDiff([Start],[Current
Date])/[Minutes Per Day],0)

NB : If you use a Duration(x) field instead of the Number(x) field, you have
to remove the division by /[Minutes Per Day]

Hope this helps,

Gérard Ducouret


Lynn said:
Hi, I am trying to produce a report that will tell me which tasks have not
started that should have, and how many days late they are (in other words,
how many days behind schedule is the project).

The Should have started Report picks out the correct tasks (those that
should have started) but doesn't tell me how many days late they are.

I've tried lots of different tables in this report using entry, variance,
work, % complete but none give me the number of days (I expected it to be

I can work it out myself (at the moment as I only have 2 tasks which have
slipped) but surely that's what this report should be giving me?

I'd really appreciate some help. Thanks

First of all, what are you defining as late? In your terms is a task
late if it has not started by the scheduled start date (normal Start
field date), or is it late if it has not started by the baseline start
date? The scheduled start date and the baseline start date will normally
be the same, but, they sometimes they are not.

Take a look at the Status field. It may provide the information you
want. If not, you can always create a formula that looks at the current
date versus the start or baseline start date and the values of %

Project MVP


Hello Lynn,

The Should have Started Report is based upon the Variance table so you
should be seeing start and finish variance if any exists on tasks. The
Variance table calculates both Start Variance and Finish Variance for each
task using the following formulas:

Start Variance = Start – Baseline Start
Finish Variance = Finish - Baseline Finish

Have you saved a baseline?

I hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.


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