Should I get Student/Teacher Office?


Kenneth Pardue

I'm reading about the new Student/Teacher Office and wondering if I
should get it. Technically, I don't qualify as either as I have
graduated college last year and don't have anyone else in my household
that is a student (although next year when I get married I will as my
fiancee will still be in college). I'm ethical enough not to go out and
get some hacked version of the software, so I am ethical enough to not
buy something that I'm not necessarily qualified for.

But it seems that Microsoft themselves don't really care much, as
they're trying to get Office into the hands of consumers as well as
businesses. Quoting from ZDNet: "'I think student/teacher is going to
be the big product on retail shelves,' he said. 'That's the most
attractive deal, a great many home users qualify for it, and nobody asks
any questions if you don't qualify.'" I wouldn't be using it for
business except to sync data with my Palm and keep my schedule up, but
mainly just want to maintain my schedule/contacts/documents better and,
well, who can live without Word? <g>

The other side of the question is whether or not I would lose anything
by getting the Student/Teacher version of the software as opposed to the
Retail Standard or Pro versions (outside of MSAccess being in the Pro

Thanks in advance for any advice on this.



Cheryl Fischer said:
You will get a little bit more "bang for the buck" with a Retail
purchase of either MS Office Standard or Professional, as the license
for either of these permits installation on one DeskTop and one

Also the S&T Office doesn't qualify for the next Office upgrade (whenever
that comes along), does it?

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