Should I store all data?



I'm creating a database to store information regarding the storage and
history of some production tools. I also want the users to be able to use
the database to create an order sheet. Most of the information in the form,
however, is not needed for historical records.

I created a form where users enter information for a new tool. My original
plan was to have only some of this data write to the main data table. I then
wanted to have this form generate a report which would in turn become the
order sheet. I want the information that is not stored in the table to
appear on this report.

The reason I chose not to keep some information (which are comprised of 15
text fields) is to limit the size of the database. My question is, assuming
we have about 4000 - 5000 records, how much am I gaining by not saving these
records, and am I creating more trouble for myself by trying to create a
report with unsaved data?

Brendan Reynolds

Let's try it and see ...

Public Sub CreateTestData()

Dim strSQL As String
Dim lngLoop As Long
Dim lngRecords As Long

'careful with these next lines - don't run them if you
'have a table with this name you don't want to lose

'On Error Resume Next
'strSQL = "DROP TABLE TestTable"
'CurrentProject.Connection.Execute strSQL
'On Error GoTo 0

strSQL = "CREATE TABLE TestTable ("
For lngLoop = 1 To 15
strSQL = strSQL & "Field" & Format$(lngLoop, "00") & " varchar(50),
Next lngLoop
strSQL = Left$(strSQL, Len(strSQL) - 2) & ")"
CurrentProject.Connection.Execute strSQL

For lngRecords = 1 To 4000
For lngLoop = 1 To 15
strSQL = strSQL & "'" & String$(50, "X") & "', "
Next lngLoop
strSQL = Left$(strSQL, Len(strSQL) - 2) & ")"
CurrentProject.Connection.Execute strSQL
Next lngRecords

End Sub

Imediately after running this code, the size of the MDB on my system was
8,192 KB.

Not exactly huge by todays standards, is it?

Jerry Whittle

4000-5000 records? Not much. Aside from Memo fields and a few other things, a
record can be a maximum of 2,000 characters so that isn't much even if you
fill all 5000 records to the maximum size.

Keep the data. You'll be glad that you did some day.

Craig Alexander Morrison

ADPs have been deprecated and are of little use if you are using a REAL
grown-up database like DB2.


Craig Alexander Morrison
Crawbridge Data (Scotland) Limited

Small Business Solutions Provider

John Vinson

My question is, assuming
we have about 4000 - 5000 records, how much am I gaining by not saving these
records, and am I creating more trouble for myself by trying to create a
report with unsaved data?

Yes... you're just creating more trouble for yourself.

When you have 4,000,000 to 5,000,000 records, you may want to start
seriously considering SQL/Server and/or data weeding - but if you need
the data for one report today, you very likely will need it for
another report next year.

John W. Vinson[MVP]

Steve Schapel

ADPs have been deprecated ...

This is the second time I have seen this recently. Have you seen some
announcement to this effect? Certainly, many Access developers,
including myself, would regard ADPs as a solution to a non-existent
problem, and see little use for them. Nevertheless, they seem to be
alive and well in Access 2007, and no sign of deprecation as far as I know.

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