Should I upgrade to Word 2007?



I'm going to get a new PC. I have the option to move my Office 2003 programs
to the new computer, or to upgrade to Office 2007.

I've heard that lots of people have problems when they upgrade, because Word
2007 is so different from Word 2003.

Is it worth the trouble to upgrade and learn a new version of Word?


JoAnn Paules

It depends. If you use Word at work, you may want to learn the new version
so that when you are forced to use it on the job you'll have the experience.
If you don't use it at work, then you can be content with using outdated
software that may eventually need to be replaced.


If you _need_ the few new features added in Word2007, then you should

But if you don't need the (really lousy) bibliography tool, or the
(really good) support for languages and scripts that have been added
to Unicode ever since 2001(!), then there's no reason to switch.

You might have to deal with files created in Word2007, so you should
download the Compatibility Pack for 2003 that enables you to open the
new file format, and gives you the new fonts.

Mary Fisher

If you _need_ the few new features added in Word2007, then you should

But if you don't need the (really lousy) bibliography tool, or the
(really good) support for languages and scripts that have been added
to Unicode ever since 2001(!), then there's no reason to switch.

You might have to deal with files created in Word2007, so you should
download the Compatibility Pack for 2003 that enables you to open the
new file format, and gives you the new fonts.

I'm going to get a new PC. I have the option to move my Office 2003
to the new computer, or to upgrade to Office 2007.

I've heard that lots of people have problems when they upgrade, because
2007 is so different from Word 2003.

Is it worth the trouble to upgrade and learn a new version of Word?

It doesn't take all that much learning (if I can do it at my age anyone can)
and it's worth it. It IS different from 2003 - and all other versions - but
I find it very satisfying and I'm confident that I can now use any version.
When there's another I'll use that too!


Graham Mayor

If you are happy with Word 2003 then 2007 is an answer to a problem you
don't have.

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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