Should New Notes be at the top or at the bottom or should there be a Option ?


Question of the Day:

Should New Notes appear at the top or at the bottom or should there be a Option ?

A) Top
B) Bottom
C) User Choice (Option).

Kathy J

My Opinion: Notes should appear where I put them. I don't write linearly
when I am taking notes. I click where I want the notes and I ad them. This
goes for notes on a page or sub-page and for note pages within sections.

Kathryn Jacobs, Microsoft MVP PowerPoint and OneNote
Co-Author of Power OneNote: Unleashing the Power of OneNote from Holy Macro!
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I believe life is meant to be lived. But:
if we live without making a difference, it makes no difference that we lived

that is a great answer. I often create new pages from Stationary - I
would like to see a "New Page from Stationary ..." option available
via the right click.

It still doesn't answer the question ... what should the *DEFAULT*
option be ?

and why ... :)

Erik Sojka (MVP)

Are you talking about new pages? The first page in a section appears at
the top, and the tabs for newer pages appear below that? *That's* what
you're asking about?

(e-mail address removed) ( wrote in

Gail Gurman

that is a great answer. I often create new pages from Stationary - I
would like to see a "New Page from Stationary ..." option available
via the right click.

It still doesn't answer the question ... what should the *DEFAULT*
option be ?

and why ... :)

I think the default position should be either above or below my current
location because to me that's the expected behavior. In Word or Excel, if
I'm adding a new row, I have an option. In a lot of programs, the default
is above or below the cursor location.

However, I always believe in having options settings. Also, you might
have context menu items like "Create new page before this page," "Create
new page at end," etc.

I think new Notes, should be created at the top. Older Notes, should
get pushed to the bottom (and off the screen if you have more than a
screen full of notes.

I also would like to have a right click option to use stationary.
So far, if you right click on a note "tab" .. you can create a New
Note/ New Subnote / but not a New Note .. from stationary.

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