e some scriptures toThe guy who did the bad work is my son-in-law . I
disagreed with him because his work does not meet his job description he has
on papera( land scaper). some thinks I am too hard on him nd others said if i
let him get away with it its because he's my son-in-law. ineed some guidance
on this. this is a church. But it dosent matter where you work you should do
your best. I think its unfair to the thithers and those who give their
offerings.The bible says honor god first , then your family then the church.
I believe in fearness, Not because he is my son-in-law he should rip the
church off .as a mstter of fact no one should be ripped off . His in should
be 8am and out 3pmbut he comes in at ii:an and leave at 3
m.Sometimes he
sits aroubd and waie for his time to leave.please give m help me on this
disagreed with him because his work does not meet his job description he has
on papera( land scaper). some thinks I am too hard on him nd others said if i
let him get away with it its because he's my son-in-law. ineed some guidance
on this. this is a church. But it dosent matter where you work you should do
your best. I think its unfair to the thithers and those who give their
offerings.The bible says honor god first , then your family then the church.
I believe in fearness, Not because he is my son-in-law he should rip the
church off .as a mstter of fact no one should be ripped off . His in should
be 8am and out 3pmbut he comes in at ii:an and leave at 3
sits aroubd and waie for his time to leave.please give m help me on this