should Project have e-mail and web capabilities in Gantt View



Project 2003---2007
I think that "tools--customize--fields" should have a couple more tabs

Ability to create a (Hiperlink Dropdown Field) for E-mailing to a resurce
that is attached to a task or resource.
Abiliby to create a (Hiperlink Dropdown Field) for web base Product
information, attached to a task or resource.
If that capability is available please let me know? I can't find it!

If you read this please rate it, if this capabiliy would be of great value
to you too.

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Hi Sunday88310,

I'm afraid you lost me a bit on the "Hiperlink Dropdown Field". MS
Project does have hyperlink capabilities already built in, just not
through the customize fields dialog box. Have you tried Insert >
Hyperlink in the menu? Please explain further what you are searching
for and perhaps we can assist.


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