Show 2 different work sheets side by side


Need help

I would like to see 2 different work sheets, each from a different program
side by side. Example a work sheet from Excel and a work sheet from a
program within our company's server, or Microsoft Word. Is this possilble ?

Simon Lloyd

Open both files then right click the windows taskbar and choose vie
windows side by sid
Need said:
I would like to see 2 different work sheets, each from a differen
side by side. Example a work sheet from Excel and a work sheet from
program within our company's server, or Microsoft Word. Is thi

Simon Lloy

Simon Lloyd
'The Code Cage' (

Gord Dibben



Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

On Wed, 21 Jan 2009 08:11:01 -0800, Need help <Need

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