Show 2 Qry Result in one Rpt



Anybody please help me……………..?

I have a Query showing muster location (LOC1) of the passengers during

Criteria “Location1â€

I have another query showing muster location (LOC2) of the passengers during

Criteria “Location2â€

My doubt is how to make a report showing like this by combining two query
result in one A4 size paper.

Location-1 (LABLE) Location-2 (LABLE)

Name Position Name Position


AccessVandal via

Create two subReports in the main report in the detail section. Each
subReports having the recordsource bound to the query.

AccessVandal via

1.Create a blank report, let’s call it “MainReportâ€. In the Detail Section
“Detail†of the report, insert a control called “Subform/Subreport†you
should be able to see it in your menu bars.

2.Click the icon “Subform/Subreport†you should see a cross at your mouse
cursor. Left click and hold the mouse button and drag it to a size to fit for
the first subreport. Subreport wizard appears – Use existing Tables and
Queries – click Next button – select the combo box for the first query name
and when you selected the query, the fields will show up in the listbox and
you click the “>>†button to move the fields to the right listbox – click the
Next button – name your subreport here, lets call it "SubReport1" and than
click Finish. Adjust the subreport size to fit to the mainreport for the next
subreport. Do it again for the next subreport but select the next second
query and call it "SubReport2".

If you’re a complete beginner, go here to learn the basics.
Can you please elaborate, step by step please
Create two subReports in the main report in the detail section. Each
subReports having the recordsource bound to the query.
[quoted text clipped - 23 lines]

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