Show a date on a Report


Bob V

Looking to show the Date in a 2 different text box on my report, If I get
these 2 I will work the rest out
1st Day of this month and the first day of next month 1-Jan -2008 and 1-
Feb - 2008
Thanks for any help.....Bob

Kevin B

For the first day of this month try this formula in a text box:


For the first day of next month try this formula in a text box:



Or try this ---
For the first day of this month try this formula in a text box:

For the first day of next month try this formula in a text box:

Bob V

Brilliant guys thanks for your help, What if Back to 1st of the Month , then
back to first Monday is that possible
Regards Bob

rosa rios

Bob V said:
Looking to show the Date in a 2 different text box on my report, If I get
these 2 I will work the rest out
1st Day of this month and the first day of next month 1-Jan -2008 and 1-
Feb - 2008
Thanks for any help.....Bob

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