Show addressee's name in email folder?


Cat T

When I receive a message using Outlook 2007, the file folder shows the
addressee's name. When you send a message it shows my name, which is not so
helpful. udora would show the name of the person I sent it to. Will Outlook
do that?


Cat T said:
When I receive a message using Outlook 2007, the file folder shows the
addressee's name. When you send a message it shows my name, which is not so
helpful. udora would show the name of the person I sent it to. Will Outlook
do that?


Hi Cat T,

1. In the pane where mails are listed; Look for a title bar which says
"From"above the Persons name. It means you have filtered the mails by the
sender's name.
2.Now you have to filter the same by "TO";means you are going to list the
mails by "whom it was sent to". (Would be useful if you do this in the "Send
Items" Folder.

How to do:

1.Click on the title bar where it says "From", you will get a list of
filters where you have to select"TO".

Hope this help,


Brian Tillman [MVP - Outlook]

When I receive a message using Outlook 2007, the file folder shows the
addressee's name. When you send a message it shows my name, which is not so
helpful. udora would show the name of the person I sent it to. Will Outlook
do that?

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