show advance find on folder selection


Christoph Lutz


I have got a custom form that is published and used for 1 specific
public folder. I would like to be able to change the users toolbars when
clicking on this folder to display a button that would launch the
advanced find dialogue. This dialogue should also be set to search in
this folder by default. Is this possible or do I need to configure each
user's machine?



Christoph Lutz

Hi Sue

thanks for your reply, but only the beginning arrived here - can you
resend? Sorry.


Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

You should be able to use the Explorer.FolderSwitch event to handle the
changes you want to make.

While the Advanced Find dialog itself cannot be automated (except maybe with
a SendKeys kludge), it is possible to save Advanced FInd search criteria as
an .oss file. So one thing to explore would be creating such a file,
deploying it where each client can get to it, and shelling out to run that

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