Show alerts from flagged mail


Tony Linde

I get alerts/reminders showing up when I set tasks to do so. But I'm sure
that, in the past, I used to get reminders when flagged emails hit their due
date/time. They no longer do so now. Can anyone tell me how to set Outlook
2003 to pop up reminders when flags become due?


Tony Linde

Thanks, Bill. Yes I get the reminder option - same as setting the original
'follow-up'. But it does not translate into a reminder popping up at the
appropriate time although the entry in the 'For Follow Up' search folder does
change from black to red when the time passes.

BillR [MVP]

It should!
See if running Outlook once with the /cleanreminders switch helps.
Reminder are working for other items? The is a setting that can disable the
popup.Tools | Options | Other tab | Advanced Options | Reminder Options
....ensure "display the reminder" is checked. that's Outlook 2007 - might be
different with Outlook 2007.

Tony Linde

Thanks again, Bill. Still no luck. Tried the /cleanreminders switch. Tried
unsetting and resetting the 'display the reminder' option. And still flagged
items are not popping up when the reminder is due.


Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

If this is not Outlook 2007 but Outlook 2003 or earlier then reminders won't
fire except when the items are in the default Inbox, Calendar, Tasks or
Contacts folders.

Tony Linde

Okay, thanks for that, Ken. Was it Outlook 2003 that removed this feature? I
certainly remember that it used to work but cannot remember when it


Tony Linde

Just read your reply properly :)

Yes, it was a while ago that I stopped using a POP3 account and started
using an IMAP one - the default inbox is still the old account and I don't
put flags on those emails as they're few and far between now. All the flagged
emails come through the IMAP account and are copied to a local folder where
they are flagged. Guess that explains it.

So, Outlook 2007 fixes this does it? Good to hear.

Thanks again, Ken.


Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

No version of Outlook could fire reminders from other than those default
folders unless you used one of my reminder addins. In Outlook 2007 you can
get reminders from default and shared PST files but still not from delegate
mailboxes or Exchange public folders.

For IMAP, since flags aren't usually kept at the server level you always had
to download items to a local store to flag them.

Patrick Schmid

For IMAP, since flags aren't usually kept at the server level you
always had
to download items to a local store to flag them.
Not sure if this was already answered or not: IMAP supports flags and
keeps them on the server. However, it only supports a flag, meaning a
message is either flagged or not. Outlook 2007 removes the different
types of flags you could assign to an IMAP message and only allows you
to either flag a message or not. This is in compliance with the IMAP
standard and fully stored on the server. You can also not set any of the
new color categories for IMAP messages, as the IMAP standard doesn't
support this. In short, Outlook 2007 gets rid of the incompatibilities
previous versions had with the IMAP standard and is now fully IMAP spec

Patrick Schmid

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

For flags for reminders the synch with Outlook never preserved the reminders
properties. I've tried for years to read those props on IMAP items and they
just aren't preserved in a way I can use.

Patrick Schmid

The IMAP protocol never supported the reminder properties. Have you
tried this in 2007 already? It should only allow you to set a flag or
not and that flag should appear when you access the IMAP account from a
different program/computer. If not, then you are seeing a bug (or maybe
your server doesn't support flags?).

Patrick Schmid

Tony Linde

I tend to move my IMAP messages into loads of folders local to my laptop. If
I flag them after putting them into folders, will Outlook 2007 pop up


Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

Yes, if they are in non-default PST files or other folders in your default
store (PST or Exchange mailbox). No if they are in delegate mailboxes or
Exchange public folders).

That's assuming of course that you add a reminder as well as a flag.

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

I use my Exchange 2000 or 2003 servers when I play with IMAP, but I rarely
use it and don't support it in my reminder addins. And with how horrible
IMAP has been so far with Outlook 2007 I haven't even bothered with it.

Flags aren't the same as reminders of course. Even if an IMAP item is
flagged it doesn't fire a reminder and wouldn't unless it has the
ReminderSet, ReminderTime and FlagDueBy properties set on it.

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