Show attached pictures after repeated answered mails



If a mail is answered the original sender no longer sees embedded pictures.

If outlook could detect the original mail, that was sent and answered back,
outlook just could use the same file to show embedded pictures (or
attachements) again.

It is not about duplicating files every time. It shall always be the first
file. Only by clever tracking the right file could be found most of the time
(or even always?).

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suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I
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Roady [MVP]

If a mail is answered the original sender no longer sees embedded
Yes he/she still does. Provided of course that the person replying still
left them in. In most cases the person replying chooses to delete those
images in the body to reduce the file size.


Bob I

charuma0 said:
If a mail is answered the original sender no longer sees embedded pictures.

If outlook could detect the original mail, that was sent and answered back,
outlook just could use the same file to show embedded pictures (or
attachements) again.

It is not about duplicating files every time. It shall always be the first
file. Only by clever tracking the right file could be found most of the time
(or even always?).

try linking to mutually acessible images

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