Show decimal point only if not a whole number



I'd like to clean up the appearance of a spreadsheet by showing a
decimal point only if the value is not a whole number, as well as limit
the number of decimal places.

Conditional formatting allows formulas to specify a condition, such as
=A1=Int(A1), but I can't figure out how to specify a number format
(instead of a color) as a result.


Use the command Format\Cells\Number. To do what you want, you shoul
either select General format 0 which will give you exactly what i
typed, or alternatively 0.### with one hash for each decimal place yo
want to display



Right-click > FormatCells > NumberTab > Custom > 0.## in the Type: window >
Ok.........this will format to give a decimal point and no digits after for
whole numbers and one to two decimal places max for those numbers with

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3

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