Show field in report even when empty



Hi All,

I have built a database to track the storage of specimens in liquid
nitrogen tanks. They are frozen in little vials in trays (field: Tray).
Each tray has 56 spots (field: spot) for the vials. And, of course, I
have fields for patient name etc for each spot that has a vial. I would
like to create a report, grouped by tray (this is no problem) that
shows all 56 'spots' whether or not there is a patient recorded in that
spot. For example, spots 1, 2 and 3 might show "Joe Smith" 6, 7, and 8
might hold "Joe Blow" but I would like to see spots 4 and 5 print out
in the report empty. But I'm stymied here. Any thoughts would be
appreciated. Thanks

Dave B


I think I might have set the tables up wrong! I have one table that
includes Tray and Spot. As I'm registering a sample I choose a spot (1
through 56 because I know thats all that are available). Therefore,
Access doesn't know that I have 56 spots! That might be my problem. How
can I pre-define that there are 56 available spaces per tray?

These are my first posts to this group and I'm mighty impressed by the
thoughtful and quick responses. Thanks.

Dave B

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