Keep in mind that you can only control the format used in messages sent by you.
There is no standard used by others, so incoming mail can contain any
combination of formats.
Having said that, here's one way to setup Outlook 2002/2003 to use only e-mail
addresses in outgoing messages.
To set your system up this way you would have to do the following:
1) Change the "Display As" format for each member in your Contacts list.
2) Delete the content of your existing "Nickname cache" (the NK2 file).
3) Repopulate the Nickname cache with your revised Contacts list.
4) Prior to replying to messages, change each and every recipient's e-mail
address format to suit.
If you want to pursue the above method, post back, I can help you with items 2
and 3.
| Hi!
| Where can I set up that the e-mail adresses should not be shown like names,
| but e-mail addresses?
| In contacts too, in e-mail sendings, and everywhere.
| Thanks