Show last total from



I have a list in column f, which gives me totals from columns d and e. From
rows 9 to 1095 constantly. This is all good.

But does anyone know how to bring up the last total in column f.
e.g (cell f1096) should give me the last total from f9 to f1095.

column d column e column f
9 5 6 -1
10 6 3 2
11 1 1 2
12 2 1 3
13 6 12 -3

As the last total is in f13, that total should appear in f1096 and when i
enter the next total in f14 that should automatically appear in f1096 instead
of f13.

can anyone help? its just a formula i need to enter in f1096



Not sure to fully understand ...

Are you looking for the value of the Last Used Row in Column F ... ?


its not working mike.. it gives me a #VALUE!

Is it because i got formulas in f9 to f1095 ????

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