Show only Neg Numbers


Kevin Baker

Hi Everyone,

I have a table with information about my stock, 4 of the fields have my
stock quantities.. Store1, Store2, Store3, and Bulk.

I'm trying to use a query for a report to only display the records where the
stock quantity is a neg in ANY of the above 4 fields, however this isn't
working. In my current query I have the 4 fields in the query and I have <0
under store1, I move down a line (or) and have <0 in store2, etc. The query
is only selecting the records where store1 is less than zero..

Any help?


Tom Lake

Kevin Baker said:
Hi Everyone,

I have a table with information about my stock, 4 of the fields have my
stock quantities.. Store1, Store2, Store3, and Bulk.

I'm trying to use a query for a report to only display the records where
the stock quantity is a neg in ANY of the above 4 fields, however this
isn't working. In my current query I have the 4 fields in the query and I
have <0 under store1, I move down a line (or) and have <0 in store2, etc.
The query is only selecting the records where store1 is less than zero..

Sounds like it should work. Are you sure you really have negative numbers
in the other fields? Is there some other criterion that is ANDed with
If so, you'll have to AND it with the other three lines as well. Maybe if
you post
the SQL we can get a better picture.

Tom Lake

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