Show/Restrict records using criteria across on multiple records.



I have a query based on two tables, one table (Table 1) has a list of names
and the other table (Table 2) has training data for all trainees--including
trainees not listed in Table 1. The query restricts the records to include
training data for the trainees in Table 1 only. This part is done and
working fine.

Now, Each trainee in Table 1 has a learning plan made up of several
different courses, some with completion dates, and some without. I need to
create a report that lists only those trainees who have a complete date for
ALL courses in their learning plan, if any one of the courses to which they
are assigned has a blank/null value in the [CompleteDate] field then the
trainee's name should not appear on my report at all. Can someone please


Two options:
Query1 - Return all the trainee's in the courses table that the
[CompleteDate] field IS Null

Query2 - based on the above query and the courses table, to return all the
records from courses table Where the trainee's does not apear in the above
You can use the query wizard to create the unmatch records query

Now you can use Query2 instead of courses table , when you have all the
trainee's with no NULL value
Or you can use your query and in the trainee's field you can write the
Not in(Select trainee's From [courses] Where CompleteDate = Null)

I hope that help

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