Show subform total on main form


Raul Sousa

I have a sub form with the fields Qtt and UCost.
On this form footer I have a calculated field: TotalCost=sum(Qtt*UCost)
On the main form I have a calculated field: ICost=TotalCost

The field on the main form is not working. It shows “?name†error.

Any suggestions?

kingston via

Change the Control Source for the field in the main form to something like:


I'm assuming you don't want this in the subform (i.e. you don't need to have
the calculated field in the subform).

Al Campagna

The OP wrote...
On this form footer I have a calculated field: TotalCost=sum(Qtt*UCost)
So... the ICost field on the main simply has to call that existing subform value.
Al Campagna . Candia Computer Consulting . Candia, NH USA
Microsoft Access MVP

"Find a job that you love, and you'll never work a day in your life."

kingston via said:
Change the Control Source for the field in the main form to something like:


I'm assuming you don't want this in the subform (i.e. you don't need to have
the calculated field in the subform).

Raul said:
I have a sub form with the fields Qtt and UCost.
On this form footer I have a calculated field: TotalCost=sum(Qtt*UCost)
On the main form I have a calculated field: ICost=TotalCost

The field on the main form is not working. It shows "?name" error.

Any suggestions?

Raul Sousa

Thank you both for your reply.
I could not use Dsum because I need the filed to be immediately updated.
At the end Al Campagna approached worked. A had tried it before with no
success. Maybe it was a syntax problem.

"Al Campagna" escreveu:

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