Show subreport conditionally



1. How can I show/hide a subreport for just certain records based on the
content of a field on the main report?
2. Some of the records on the main report have corresponding records in the
subreport; some do not. How can I include the subreport for those records
having corresponding subreport data without excluding records from the main
report that do not? The way it is now, as soon as I establish the
master/child link, it excludes from the main report any records not having a
corresponding record in the subreport. I need an "outer join" master/child


Never mind.

If <BooleanField> Then
<SubreportName>.Visible = True
<SubreportName>.Visible = False
End If

....and I guess there must have been something else wrong previously, because
it is NOT filtering out records having no subreport data. Fixed now.

Duane Hookom

If there are no records in a subreport, it won't display. You don't need to
do anything to hide it.

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