Show subtotal from subform on main form


D. M.

Just when I thought I was finished, I found a new problem.

I have 2 forms: Orders and Order Details Subform (datasheet view). The
subform was created from the Order Details table. The fields are:
OrderDetailID (PK), OrderID(fk), Description, Unit Cost, Quantity.

On the subform I added a text field called Total Cost which calculates [Unit
Cost]*[Quantity]. I then added a text box called PO Total to the footer to
sum the Total Cost column "=Sum([Total Cost]".

I would like to show the PO Total on the Order form. I created a text box
with the control source set to: =Order_Details_Subform.Form!PO_Total.

This shows an error. What am I doing wrong? Can anyone help?


Make sure you use the NAME property of controls. Order_Details_Subform
may be your SourceObject, but it is not necessarily the Name too -- you
can make the Name whatever you want and I usually set it to be the same
as the SourceObject

Does the sum field show correctly on the subform?

Warm Regards,
:) have an awesome day :)
MVP Access
Remote Programming and Training
strive4peace2006 at

D. M.

Yes, the Name is correct. The sum field does not show because it's in the
footer of the subform, which is a datasheet. I can only assume that it's
correct. Again the control names are: Unit Cost, Quantity, Total Cost, the
calculated control in the footer is PO_Total (=Sum([Total_Cost]).

The control on the main Order form is: Main PO Total (=[Order Details

I have no idea what I'm doing wrong.

strive4peace said:
Make sure you use the NAME property of controls. Order_Details_Subform
may be your SourceObject, but it is not necessarily the Name too -- you
can make the Name whatever you want and I usually set it to be the same
as the SourceObject

Does the sum field show correctly on the subform?

Warm Regards,
:) have an awesome day :)
MVP Access
Remote Programming and Training
strive4peace2006 at

D. M. said:
Just when I thought I was finished, I found a new problem.

I have 2 forms: Orders and Order Details Subform (datasheet view). The
subform was created from the Order Details table. The fields are:
OrderDetailID (PK), OrderID(fk), Description, Unit Cost, Quantity.

On the subform I added a text field called Total Cost which calculates [Unit
Cost]*[Quantity]. I then added a text box called PO Total to the footer to
sum the Total Cost column "=Sum([Total Cost]".

I would like to show the PO Total on the Order form. I created a text box
with the control source set to: =Order_Details_Subform.Form!PO_Total.

This shows an error. What am I doing wrong? Can anyone help?


Temporarily switch your subform to continuous forms and see if the
subtotal is right

what is your ControlSource for the subtotal? If it is adding a control
that is an equation, you must repeat the equation

=sum([qty] * [price])

Warm Regards,
:) have an awesome day :)
MVP Access
Remote Programming and Training
strive4peace2006 at

D. M. said:
Yes, the Name is correct. The sum field does not show because it's in the
footer of the subform, which is a datasheet. I can only assume that it's
correct. Again the control names are: Unit Cost, Quantity, Total Cost, the
calculated control in the footer is PO_Total (=Sum([Total_Cost]).

The control on the main Order form is: Main PO Total (=[Order Details

I have no idea what I'm doing wrong.

strive4peace said:
Make sure you use the NAME property of controls. Order_Details_Subform
may be your SourceObject, but it is not necessarily the Name too -- you
can make the Name whatever you want and I usually set it to be the same
as the SourceObject

Does the sum field show correctly on the subform?

Warm Regards,
:) have an awesome day :)
MVP Access
Remote Programming and Training
strive4peace2006 at

D. M. said:
Just when I thought I was finished, I found a new problem.

I have 2 forms: Orders and Order Details Subform (datasheet view). The
subform was created from the Order Details table. The fields are:
OrderDetailID (PK), OrderID(fk), Description, Unit Cost, Quantity.

On the subform I added a text field called Total Cost which calculates [Unit
Cost]*[Quantity]. I then added a text box called PO Total to the footer to
sum the Total Cost column "=Sum([Total Cost]".

I would like to show the PO Total on the Order form. I created a text box
with the control source set to: =Order_Details_Subform.Form!PO_Total.

This shows an error. What am I doing wrong? Can anyone help?

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