Show text when pointing at a picture!




I want to show a text when i point the mouse or roll over the mouse over a

For example a brief description of a picture.

Is it possible to do with publisher? Can you help me?

Thank You!


You can, and should add alternative text to an image by selecting the image
format > picture > web tab. The alt text will be visible if the image does
not load, and is read by text readers. However this text will not be visible
in the form of a tool tip with a mouse hover unless you are using Pub 2000.

If it is really important to you then you can add a tool tip via the title
attribute of the link (href) tag, but you would have to import the image
instead of simply inserting/embedding it. Importing your images is going to
take a bit more work.

Try this experiment. Use the insert html code fragment tool to insert the
following code snippet on your page and drag the code fragment box to an
open spot somewhere on your page:

<a title="Looky, looky a tool tip" href="">Hover

Do a web page preview and mouseover the words Hover Here. If that is the
effect you are looking for, I can work out the code snippet, but it will
probably be a lot easier and more effective if you just add a caption - the
in a text box below or above the image...or even on the image. The person
viewing your site will not know to hover over the image in order to get the
tool tip. That means they won't see or read the words you wanted to
communicate. They will read a caption.

In my opinion, alt tags should always be used, but relying on tool tips
solely to communicate your message to viewers is a mistake. Tool tips
without captions should be used sparingly if at all. Why write the words and
then hide them from the viewer? Using captions makes more sense as it will
always communicate the words to the viewer.


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