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I have created an AutoOpen for my lesson plans document that opens to
the correct page depending on what week of the semester we're in. I
like the way it works except for one thing. It takes me to the top of
the page, but the top of the page is about one-fifth of the way down
the window and I want it to be at the top of the window.

I have it zooming to best fit, but I always have to scroll a little to
get the whole page in view.

I'm such a newbie; how do I do this?

Shauna Kelly

Hi Ben

I assume that your code selects the part of the text you want to see. If so,
try adding the following to your code after you select the text:

ActiveWindow.ScrollIntoView Selection.Range, True

For more information, see the ScrollIntoView command in VBA help.

Hope this helps.

Shauna Kelly. Microsoft MVP.

Ben Hill

Shauna Kelly said...
I assume that your code selects the part of the text you want to see. If so,
try adding the following to your code after you select the text:
Actually, no, I've just got the cursor going to the top of the page.
Below the header at the top there is a table that covers the rest of
the page.

Could you tell me how to select the whole page or the whole table? I
will look at the ScrollIntoView.

Thanks you,

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