I would like to create a (pivot) bar chart with time on the x-axis,
resources on the y-axis and each bar of data would indicate how available a
resource is and periods when on vacation. Are there canned views that do
this and, if not, does any have any tips for how to combine non-working days
with work scheduled for a resource? Does the OLAP cube need to be modified
or a new one created that includes non-working time?
Thanks, Simon
I would like to create a (pivot) bar chart with time on the x-axis,
resources on the y-axis and each bar of data would indicate how available a
resource is and periods when on vacation. Are there canned views that do
this and, if not, does any have any tips for how to combine non-working days
with work scheduled for a resource? Does the OLAP cube need to be modified
or a new one created that includes non-working time?
Thanks, Simon