ShowHiddenText assistance



I thought this was going to be simple, but I m ust be over complicatin
things. I’m using Word 2007 to create a report template. I have heading
for multiple sections that I want displayed on the monitor, but not whe
the report is printed. I have used hidden text formatting and a macro t
automate the “Hidden Text” under options->Display without any luck. An
advice or suggestions for code? Basically, I want to auto-enable “Hidde
Text” anytime a user opens the template for creating a report.

Im using Word macro-Enabled Doc -> .docm to create the template, no
sure if this might be part of the problem

Code Im using:
With ActiveDocument
.ActiveWindow.View.ShowHiddenText = False 'Do not display hidde
.Application.Options.PrintHiddenText = False 'Do not print hidde
End Wit

Stefan Blom

Since you just want to prevent the hidden text from printing,
intercepting the FilePrint and FilePrintDefault commands should suffice.
Using Save As, turn your form into a macro-enabled template (if you
haven't already done that). Create a module and add the following code:

Sub FilePrint()
Dim IsHiddenTextPrinting As Boolean
IsHiddenTextPrinting = Options.PrintHiddenText

Options.PrintHiddenText = False

Options.PrintHiddenText = IsHiddenTextPrinting
End Sub

Sub FilePrintDefault()
Dim IsHiddenTextPrinting As Boolean
IsHiddenTextPrinting = Options.PrintHiddenText

Options.PrintHiddenText = False

Options.PrintHiddenText = IsHiddenTextPrinting
End Sub

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP

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