Showing CrossReference Dialog with parameters




to avoid the clicking in the word insert->crossref dialog, i want to have
some macros for displaying this dialog with some parameters already specified.

But although i spent hours, i have not managed to get set the right
parameters before showing this dialog. Even worse, the problem is that *some*
parameters work, for example the InsertAsHyperlink parameter works perfectly
But the others not, including the ReferenceKind and ReferenceType (the later
sometimes works, sometimes not).

How can i shorten the way to insert different crossrefs, without to specify
over and over again the parameters for each crossref-type manually in words

Many thanks in advance!


' attempt of showing a pre-configured crossref dialog
Public Sub insertFigure()
With Dialogs(wdDialogInsertCrossReference)
.ReferenceType = "Abbildung"
.ReferenceKind = wdOnlyLabelAndNumber
.InsertAsHyperlink = True
.InsertPosition = False
.SeparateNumbers = False
.SeparatorCharacters = " "
End With
End Sub

Word Heretic

G'day Michael <[email protected]>,

I screamed in despair and recreated the entire dialog from scratch to
achieve this result.

Steve Hudson - Word Heretic

steve from (Email replies require payment)
Without prejudice

Michael reckoned:

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