showing data in a different way based on a spreadsheet excel 07



I have a very large spreadsheet with the first column showing dates of all
weekdays from 1/2/1900 through the present. the rest of the columns (about
500 of them are different categories. Each date may have one or more of
those categories. Eacch row consists of a date, withabout 500 cells across
which may or may not have data, (Usually a 1, or a -1, or a 0 or a 2 or a
4)depending on which category it is. I need to keep the spreadsheet this
way, but I need something else that will show me on the leftr column the
dates, and the rows across will show only those categories that have data in

This is what my spreadsheet looks like now, in miniature.
DAte Category1 Category 2 Category 3
1/2/00 1
1/3/00 2 0
1/4/00 1
1/5/00 1 1

Th is is what I need to see>
Date whichcategory? Which Category? Which Category?
1/2/00 Category 2
1/3/00 Category 1 Category 3
1/4/00 Category 1
1/5/00 Category 2 Category 3

I hope this is clear. Thank you.

Dave Peterson

You could try this against a copy of your worksheet(!).

Select the data range--no row headers, no column headers.

In your test data, I selected B2:D5
Then Edit|goto|special|Constants
(convert any formulas to constants before this step)
Notice that the selection changed to just the cells with something in them

Take note of the activecell's column.
(For me, the activecell was C2
Type this formula in the cell:
(change the letter to match the column the activecell is in. But use $1. It
means that the formula will always point to row 1.)

Now hit ctrl-enter (instead of enter)
The selected cells now have a formula that points to row 1 of the column that
it's in.

Select the whole range again (B2:D5) for me
Edit|Paste special|values

With the whole range selected still
Notice that just the empty cells are selected.

Choose shift cells left


Hmmm.... that's a complicated one. Try this.

Start up a macro under visual basic editor and paste this code. Make sure
you start the code by putting the active cell on the first date in the first
column. And just in case saveas a test sheet, because if you screws up you
can't get your data back. But it should work. The one thing you gotta do is
move the Column letter to the last column in your data sheet. So I put it
down below... it looks like this...

ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Range("A1:G1").Select

Change G1 to your your last column of data.

Sub Test()

Do Until ActiveCell.Offset(2, 0).Value = ""

ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
ActiveCell.Offset(-1, 0).Range("A1").Select
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Range("A1").Select
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Range("A1").Select
Application.CutCopyMode = False
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=IF(NOT(R[-1]C=""""),R1C)"

ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Range("A1:G1").Select

Selection.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas, 20).Select
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlToLeft

On Error Resume Next

ActiveCell.EntireRow.PasteSpecial (xlPasteValues)
ActiveCell.Offset(-1, 0).EntireRow.Delete

End Sub


Dave, thank you , but when I do edit, go to, special, constants, it selects
the entire worksheet, not just the constants. Also, what is the "activecell"?

thanks for the help!

Dave Peterson said:
You could try this against a copy of your worksheet(!).

Select the data range--no row headers, no column headers.

In your test data, I selected B2:D5
Then Edit|goto|special|Constants
(convert any formulas to constants before this step)
Notice that the selection changed to just the cells with something in them

Take note of the activecell's column.
(For me, the activecell was C2
Type this formula in the cell:
(change the letter to match the column the activecell is in. But use $1. It
means that the formula will always point to row 1.)

Now hit ctrl-enter (instead of enter)
The selected cells now have a formula that points to row 1 of the column that
it's in.

Select the whole range again (B2:D5) for me
Edit|Paste special|values

With the whole range selected still
Notice that just the empty cells are selected.

Choose shift cells left

Dave Peterson

Select A1:C3 (9 cells)
Notice that you have 8 cells that are shaded and one that is white.

The activecell is that white cell.

Are you sure you correctly selected the starting range?

Are you sure that those cells that look empty are really empty?
Dave, thank you , but when I do edit, go to, special, constants, it selects
the entire worksheet, not just the constants. Also, what is the "activecell"?


The empty cells are absolutely empty. I am using excel 2007, so I went to
the Home tab and then at the far right went to find and select and went to
goto special constants. Then some cells were not selected anymore, but most
of the cells were, including the empty ones. Also, I don't have any row or
column headers, do I just select the entire worksheet? or do I not select
column one that has the dates, and row one that has the names of the

thanks for the help!

Dave Peterson said:
Select A1:C3 (9 cells)
Notice that you have 8 cells that are shaded and one that is white.

The activecell is that white cell.

Are you sure you correctly selected the starting range?

Are you sure that those cells that look empty are really empty?

Dave Peterson

First, those cells that look empty that are still selected are not empty.

Try selecting a few of those cells manually and then hit the Delete key on the
keyboard to clear the contents. Then test it again. You'll see that these
cells that you just fixed are not in the selection after you used

So if you want to try that technique that I suggested, you're going to have to
really clear those cells.

Try this using an offending cell (I used A1 as my cell).

Find two empty cells and put this into those cells:

If the =len() formula returns 0, but =counta() returns 1, then maybe you had
formulas that evaluated to "" that were converted to values.

Saved from a previous post:

If you want to see what's left in that cell after you convert ="" to values,
Tools|Options|Transition Tab|Toggle Transition Navigation keys on.

Then select one of those cells and look at the formula bar. You'll see an
apostrophe. (Don't forget to toggle the setting to off.)

When I want to clean up this detritus, I do this:

Select the range (ctrl-a a few times to select all the cells)
what: (leave blank)
with: $$$$$
replace all

Immediately followed by:
what: $$$$$
with: (leave blank)
replace all

If that doesn't help, post back the results of those two formulas.
The empty cells are absolutely empty. I am using excel 2007, so I went to
the Home tab and then at the far right went to find and select and went to
goto special constants. Then some cells were not selected anymore, but most
of the cells were, including the empty ones. Also, I don't have any row or
column headers, do I just select the entire worksheet? or do I not select
column one that has the dates, and row one that has the names of the

thanks for the help!


Right you are! Most of my blank cells were created by inserting values of a
formula that returned "". Since it is such a large spreadsheet, It took the
computer all night to change the blanks to $$$$$. Now I am changing the
$$$$$ back to blanks. I will keep you posted.

Dave Peterson

If I know I'm converting formulas to values, I'll usually use something like


Then I convert to values and replace the na()'s with nothing.

It saves that first step of converting to $$$$$ then back to nothing.
Right you are! Most of my blank cells were created by inserting values of a
formula that returned "". Since it is such a large spreadsheet, It took the
computer all night to change the blanks to $$$$$. Now I am changing the
$$$$$ back to blanks. I will keep you posted.


HELP! I spent almost a day and anight converting the blanks to $$$$$ and
then the $$$$$ back to blanks and guess what? When I look for constants, I
still get the blank cells?! Only the ones that I highlight and then press
DEL show up as blanks. That will be impossible for me to do on such a large
spreadsheet!! What do I do now?

Dave Peterson

Do you have any formulas in those cells?

Maybe you can save it as a .csv file and then reopen that .csv file?
HELP! I spent almost a day and anight converting the blanks to $$$$$ and
then the $$$$$ back to blanks and guess what? When I look for constants, I
still get the blank cells?! Only the ones that I highlight and then press
DEL show up as blanks. That will be impossible for me to do on such a large
spreadsheet!! What do I do now?


I originally had formulas in those cells. Immediately afterward, I changed
the formulas to values. The blank cells had that apostrophe you were talking
about. I replaced all blank cells with $$$$$, and then immediately replaced
all $$$$$ to blank cells. (I am in excel 2007). When I went to look for the
constants, they wer still showing up as constants. Also please tell me how I
do Tools;Options, Transition tab, Toggle Transition Navigation keys On. in
Excel 2007? (I checked this in my smaller original version that was in excel
2003, and that is where I found the apostrophe's, then I did the entire $$$
thing to my excel 2007 file, and it is very frustrating! I can try saving it
as a .csv file, but I really don't know what that means.


I just saved it as a csv file and reopenedit as a csv file, and the blanks
are still showing up as constants. What else can I do?


I saved it as a csv file, and reopened it as a csv file, and the same problem
is showing up, just here, when I try to replace blank cells with $$$$$, it
does not recognize the cells as blank. So maybe there is another step I
should do to make the computer recognize these cells are blank. I really can
use the help. Thank you.

Dave Peterson

You found how to save the file as a CSV.

Office Button|Excel Options (at the bottom)|Advanced Section
Near the bottom in the Lotus Compatibility Section
Check/uncheck Transition Navigation keys.

And it sounds like you have a lot of data to clean up.

I would think that going through the cells one by one would take a long time.

But maybe going through the rows in groups of 1000 (or whatever works fast)
would be quicker (less slow).

Try this against a small number of rows:

Option Explicit
Sub testme()

Dim CalcMode As Long
Dim ViewMode As Long
Dim iRow As Long
Dim FirstRow As Long
Dim LastRow As Long
Dim myStep As Long

myStep = 100 'do some testing to figure out the best number

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

CalcMode = Application.Calculation
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual

ViewMode = ActiveWindow.View
ActiveWindow.View = xlNormalView

With ActiveSheet
.DisplayPageBreaks = False
FirstRow = 1
LastRow = .Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Row

'just check the first 1000 while testing
For iRow = FirstRow To 1000 Step myStep
'then use this line to get them all
'For iRow = FirstRow To LastRow Step myStep
Application.StatusBar = "Processing row #:" & iRow & " at " & Now
With .Rows(iRow).Resize(myStep)
.Replace what:="", replacement:="$$$$$", LookAt:=xlWhole, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False

.Replace what:="$$$$$", replacement:="", LookAt:=xlWhole, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False
End With
Next iRow
End With

'put things back to what they were
Application.Calculation = CalcMode
ActiveWindow.View = ViewMode
Application.StatusBar = False

End Sub

If you're new to macros, you may want to read David McRitchie's intro at:


When you were working with the formulas, did you ever use anything like:
with that single leading apostrophe
(maybe to copy the formula as text and not have excel adjust the formula?????

I saved it as a csv file, and reopened it as a csv file, and the same problem
is showing up, just here, when I try to replace blank cells with $$$$$, it
does not recognize the cells as blank. So maybe there is another step I
should do to make the computer recognize these cells are blank. I really can
use the help. Thank you.


Isn't there a simple way that I can select all those blank cells that have '
in them? Also, some cells have ^ in them. Why is that? How do I prevent
new columns that I will be putting in from having these marks embedded in the
cells? I would select all those type of cells, and the press Clear Contents.
Is that possible? Here is the formula that I have been using to put
information in new columns that I add to the spreadsheet.

I also have a macro set up that changes the formulas to values. Here it is.

Application.Goto Reference:="R3C2:R29281C2"
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone,
SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub

Maybe there is a better way to do this?

Dave Peterson

If you look at edit|goto|special, you won't see a way of selecting a range that
contains just what you want.

If you use na() instead of "" in the formula, you will see Errors as on of the
options in the edit|goto|special dialog.

Those ' ^ prefix characters are left over from Lotus 123.
' means to left justify the value
" means to right justify the value
^ means to center the value in the cell
/ means to fill/repeat the character

The only way I know how to eliminate these is to go cell by cell and remove

Option Explicit
Sub testme()
Dim myCell As Range
Dim myRng As Range

'test a small portion with just the selected area
Set myRng = Selection 'or activesheet.usedrange

For Each myCell In myRng.Cells
If Trim(myCell.Value) = "" Then
If myCell.PrefixCharacter <> "" Then
End If
End If
Next myCell
End Sub

You could use na() instead of "" in the formula.
Isn't there a simple way that I can select all those blank cells that have '
in them? Also, some cells have ^ in them. Why is that? How do I prevent
new columns that I will be putting in from having these marks embedded in the
cells? I would select all those type of cells, and the press Clear Contents.
Is that possible? Here is the formula that I have been using to put
information in new columns that I add to the spreadsheet.

I also have a macro set up that changes the formulas to values. Here it is.

Application.Goto Reference:="R3C2:R29281C2"
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone,
SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub

Maybe there is a better way to do this?

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