Showing Forms using a public variable




I've hit a wall with a model I am currently building. It is a data
collection system for several metrics each of which has a different
number of componenets.

I have several data entry forms, one for each possible number of
components for a metric. They are named:
frm4PartDataEntry etc..

The problem comes when I wish to show them. The user is selecting a
metric from a list box and hitting an enter data button. When they do
this I look up the number of components the metric they have selected
has and store this in a public variable NumberOfComponents.

I had hoped that to show the form, the following code would work:
frm & NumberOfComponents & PartDataEntry.Show

Sadly it won't compile, and aside from writing a horrible Select Case
I'm stumped as to what to do.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,



Adamaths said:

I've hit a wall with a model I am currently building. It is a data
collection system for several metrics each of which has a different
number of componenets.

I have several data entry forms, one for each possible number of
components for a metric. They are named:
frm4PartDataEntry etc..

The problem comes when I wish to show them. The user is selecting a
metric from a list box and hitting an enter data button. When they do
this I look up the number of components the metric they have selected
has and store this in a public variable NumberOfComponents.

I had hoped that to show the form, the following code would work:
frm & NumberOfComponents & PartDataEntry.Show

Sadly it won't compile, and aside from writing a horrible Select Case
I'm stumped as to what to do.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


Build one frmNPartDataEntry with maximum number of components and hide /
disable some of them.


Thanks for the suggestion.

It knid of raises the same problem though in terms of determining and
making not visible the unrequired components.

Since each component has about 5 labels or textboxes on the form is
there again a simple way to code:
For i = MaxComponents to Number of Components
frmNPartDataEntry.txtbxPart & i.visible = False
Next i

Thanks in advance




Many thanks - that works a treat.

On a related note do you know of a similar method to scroll through
labels on a form to populate them.

For example if I have now loaded a four part form is there a method to

For i = 1 to NumberOfComponents
FormName.lblPart & i.Value = variable name
Next i

Again any help is greatly appreciated.


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