showing only positive numbers



I need to calculate the value of an array but only SHOWING positive numbers
to be added. How would I formulate it?

example : i have a warrant on a stock priced at 4.50 if the stock is trading
at 5.00 the warrant has an intrinsic value of 5.00-4.50= 50 cents but if the
stock trades at 4.00 the warrant does not have a negative value of 50 cents...

Thank you for your help

Dave F

I would create a matrix which replicates the dimensions of the array but
returns blanks for values less than 0.

Assume the array is in range A1:B2, to keep things simple. In D1 enter
=IF(A1>0,A1,"") Fill this formula one cell to the right and fill down to the
next row. This way, all positive values from the original array are returned
and all negative values are ignored (i.e., an empty string/null string is put
in their place). Then run your calculation on this new array.


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