Mark Randall
Hi all
I am storing Rich Text in a memo field in my database.
So, the text "Hello World" is stored as
"{\rtf1\ansi\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}} Hello World \par
On a form, I am using the Microsoft Rich Textbox Control, version 6.0,
bound to the field above. This works as expected and is very effective.
However, when I try the same on a report, it does not work so well.
I made a new report, set the RecordSource to the table above, added a new
Microsoft Rich Textbox Control, version 6.0,and set the control source as
above. When I then open the report, I get the error message "Property
cannot be set" The report then opens, but leaves the rich text control
Any ideas? I am using MS Office 2003 with Win XP pro if that is important.
Mark Randall
I am storing Rich Text in a memo field in my database.
So, the text "Hello World" is stored as
"{\rtf1\ansi\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}} Hello World \par
On a form, I am using the Microsoft Rich Textbox Control, version 6.0,
bound to the field above. This works as expected and is very effective.
However, when I try the same on a report, it does not work so well.
I made a new report, set the RecordSource to the table above, added a new
Microsoft Rich Textbox Control, version 6.0,and set the control source as
above. When I then open the report, I get the error message "Property
cannot be set" The report then opens, but leaves the rich text control
Any ideas? I am using MS Office 2003 with Win XP pro if that is important.
Mark Randall