Showing sums/totals for 1 client when printing or in print preview



I need to total time spent on clients in a month some of that time is
billable and some is non billable I have formuls breaking that down in

I have the clients names in a list, what I need is to show the total for
that client and if we show all it will also show the totals for all so when
you go to print preview... You will be able to print and see the total of
billable and non billable time for that client,

I have tried subtotal... But can't seem to get it to work right.... I have
tired other stuff, but when I pick on one client, the totals don't show up.
If I am showing "all" that is the only time i am seeing the totals.

Any ideas on this? All help is very welcome!!! you all rock!!


Name Time billable billable
Jessica 1 1 0
Jessica 38 38 0
Lorie 155 155 0
Pam 20 0 20
Malon 150 150 0
Moe 12 12 0
Moe 18 18 0
Malon 23 0 23
Pat 5 0 5
Pam 990 0 990

This is kinda what I have... I am at a loss about pivot tables....... or
how to begin or what to do......

I really appricate any more help you can give me.


another way would be to use sumif() these are columns A:D
enter in E1 "Client"
in F1 "Billable"
in g1 Non Billable
in H1 total
if e2 enter a client name
in F2 ente
in G2 enter
in H2 enter

or you could do it on another page so that only the client you are looking
at is shown

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