Showing task splits in Gantt view



Is it possible to show a split during non working times?

For example, my tasks can be completed at any time, either Day shift or
Night shift. However, if I assign a task to Night shift workers, and the
task spans 2 shifts, I want to show a split bar across the day shift, and not
a solid bar across the non-working time. I want to be able to easily show
that no work will be completed on the task during the day.

Is this possible, or does MSP always draw solid bars across non-working time?

Mike Glen

Hi Kelly,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :)

Yes. Format/Timescale.../Non-working time tab and select to draw
non-working time in front of task bar.

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Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :))

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP


Hi KellyB,
You can draw the nonworking time in from of the task bars. Choose Format
--> Timescale. Click the non-working time tab and choose "In front of task
bars" under the Draw" options.
The bars will appear to stop when the reach non-working time and restart.
Hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.


Good suggestion, it is close to what I need.

Except that my project calendar is a 24 hr calendar, with a Day and Night
shift. When I assign a task to a (for example) Night shift worker, the
calendar of the worker overrides the Gantt bars (actually, MSP uses the
overlap of the 24hr Calendar for the task, and the Night shift calendar for
the resource).

I don't want to use the 'Ignore Resource calendar' setting because I'd
rather not have to manually schedule all workers to their proper shift times.
If I do set the task to Ignore, then MSP will schedule the worker to work
24hrs/day, and I have to manually add a split to make it night shift only.

Any further suggestions?


Hi KellyB,
With a 24-hour project calendar, you are correct you have no non-working
time on the project calendar. However, when you assign the Night shift
worker to the task, the work on the task is automatically scheduled based
upon the resource's calendar, taking into account the resource's non-working
The only way I can get to see what I think you are looking for is to apply
the "First Shift" worker's base calendar as the non-working time display in
the Gantt. I have to zoom in to show more detail (middle tier days, bottom
tier hours) see the task stop during the day shift and resume on the schedule
of the night shift worker. Not a perfect answer by any means, but better than
splitting each task.

Perhaps another denizen of this newgroup may have a better answer than I.

Hope this helps somewhat,


Thanks Julie,

I played around with your suggestion, and it will work for when I print out
Gantts for the Night Shift only, or the Day Shift only. If I'm looking at
the entire schedule, I must show all tasks; therefore, I need to show
Non-Working time as my 24hr calendar. So I'm back to square one.

Any other thoughts?


Hi KellyB,
I'm afraid I'm all out of thoughts. I assume you want to show the "split"
(tasks stopping during non-working time) for both the day shift and the night
shift in a single view. As you can only display one non-working time as the
background of your gantt, I don't believe there is a solution. The task usage
view (zoomed in of course) will show the hours for each resource as they are
distributed, but I don't think you'll get want you want from the Gantt.
You could customize the Gantt bars with colors based upon the resource's
base calendars, but that's about all I can come up with.
So sorry.

Mike Glen

Hi Kelly,

I agree with Julie, you'll have to settle on printouts for each shift. You
could, of course, print out one of the Usage views.

Mike Glen
Project MVP

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