Showing times > 24 hrs


Paul Sutton

In excel there is a format type that will let you show
times > 24 hrs - for example 36:23 for 36 hrs, 23
minutes. How can this be emulated in Access.

I am taking the difference between 2 Date/Times, and want
to display the difference in hrs.


Rick Brandt

There is no such Time type in Access. You would need to write a custom function
that uses DateDiff() to get the difference in minutes and then do the math to
determine the hours/minutes and then return the result of that as a String.


Function HoursMinutes(StartTime As Date, EndTime As Date) As String

Dim lngMinutes As Long

lngMinutes = DateDiff("n", StartTime, EndTime)
HoursMinutes = CStr(lngMinutes \ 60) & ":" & Format(lngMinutes Mod 60, "00")

End Function


Any suggestions as to how to use this?

Rick Brandt said:
There is no such Time type in Access. You would need to write a custom function
that uses DateDiff() to get the difference in minutes and then do the math to
determine the hours/minutes and then return the result of that as a String.


Function HoursMinutes(StartTime As Date, EndTime As Date) As String

Dim lngMinutes As Long

lngMinutes = DateDiff("n", StartTime, EndTime)
HoursMinutes = CStr(lngMinutes \ 60) & ":" & Format(lngMinutes Mod 60, "00")

End Function

John Vinson

In excel there is a format type that will let you show
times > 24 hrs - for example 36:23 for 36 hrs, 23
minutes. How can this be emulated in Access.

It cannot, not with a Date/Time field.
I am taking the difference between 2 Date/Times, and want
to display the difference in hrs.

Calculate the difference in *minutes* (as a Long Integer) and use an
expression to display that duration as hours and minutes:

DateDiff("n", [start], [end]) \ 60 & Format(DateDiff("n", [start],
[end]) MOD 60, ":00")

Rick Brandt

The same way you use any other function. The OP indicated the need to display
the difference between two DateTimes in HH:NN format. Supplying two DateTimes
as arguments to the function below will do exactly that. In a query (for
example) you would add a calculated field...

TimeDifference: HoursMinutes(SomeDateField, SomeOtherDateField)

Douglas J. Steele

John Vinson said:
It cannot, not with a Date/Time field.

Not quite true, John. Since Access stores times as fractions of a day, when
you've exceeded 24 hours, Access adds a day to what it's storing. You can
convert it back if you really want to.

Function FormatTime(TimeToFormat As Date) As String

Dim intHours As Integer
Dim intMinutes As Integer

intHours = 24 * Int(TimeToFormat) + Hour(TimeToFormat)
intMinutes = Minute(TimeToFormat)

FormatTime = Format(intHours, "0") & ":" & _
Format(intMinutes, "00")

End Function

Of course, the alternative you proposed is a far better solution.

Tom Wickerath

You might also want to try "A More Complete DateDiff Function"


The same way you use any other function. The OP indicated the need to display
the difference between two DateTimes in HH:NN format. Supplying two DateTimes
as arguments to the function below will do exactly that. In a query (for
example) you would add a calculated field...

TimeDifference: HoursMinutes(SomeDateField, SomeOtherDateField)

lou lei

Paul Sutton said:
In excel there is a format type that will let you show
times > 24 hrs - for example 36:23 for 36 hrs, 23
minutes. How can this be emulated in Access.

I am taking the difference between 2 Date/Times, and want
to display the difference in hrs.


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