



I've found an article on the MS KB (article number 198755)
which explains how to program a module to show the Users
currently logged into a database. (The article is for
Access 2000, which I'm running on a Windows NT 4.0 machine)
I have two questions:
(1) There is a problem with the line
Set rs = cn.OpenSchema (adSchemaProviderSpecific, _
, "{947bb102-5d43-1ldl-bdbf-00c04fb92575}")
where I get the error that there is a conflict with
the code, another arguement, etc. (What is that
really long number mean, anywho? I've never used the
OpenSchema class, so this is all new to me....) (The
article does mention that ActiveX 2.0 reference
library needs to be installed, which it is).
(2) Will this be able to show me the computer name,
instead of the person? I don't have any Login/User
IDs set up for the database, and don't really want to
get into that - too many people are going to be using
it. The easiest thing for me is to see the computer
name, and then send an instant message to the people
that I need to pass information on to.

Any ideas???



I just figured it out - the , "{947bb102-5d43-1ldl-bdbf-
00c04fb92575}") that I had entered is supposed to be -11d1-
, whereas I thought they were lower case Ls. And the
program does provide the Computer Name.
Whoo hoo - gotta love Starbucks coffee in the morning......

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