Yeah, what you're suggesting works fine except that I
didn't mention the real reason why I'm trying to do this
is that I want the leftmost text to be BOLD and the rest
of the text to be not bold. I don't think there's any way
to do this unless the leftmost text box is kept separate,
and if it's separate then I'm left with the original
problem, unless you or anybody else out there knows of
another approach.
By the way, I'm not worried about the "non-alignment of
fields" you mentioned. In fact the whole point of what I'm
trying to do is to push everything to the left as far as
possible to make the listing compact. Surely I'm not the
only person who's ever tried to do this. There must be a
-----Original Message-----
The only way I know (which would be pretty ugly because of
column headings and non-alignment of fields) is to
Concatenate the whole line of fields into one. I added two
spaces between fields below. Ex
=[name]&" "&[address]&" "&[city]&" "&[phone]&" "&[dob]
-----Original Message-----
Is there a way of shrinking a text box horizontally so
that it's only as wide as it needs to be to show the
contained text (if any), and any text boxes to the right
will slide over to abut it?